Rose Protector & Rose Protector RTU


ROSE PROTECTOR is a versatile solution designed to safeguard roses from both pests and diseases. This emulsifiable concentrate acts as a contact insecticide and systemic fungicide, offering comprehensive protection against a range of threats. Specifically formulated for rose plants, this product demonstrates effectiveness in controlling various pests and diseases associated with roses. Categorised as a group code 3 insecticide and falling under group codes C and H for fungicides, ROSE PROTECTOR is a potent defence mechanism. It is important to note that within any population of a targeted insect or fungus, there might exist individuals with inherent resistance to ROSE PROTECTOR or other group code 3 insecticides and group codes C and H fungicides. To mitigate the risk of resistance development, it is advisable to avoid exclusive and repetitive use of these chemicals. What sets ROSE PROTECTOR apart is its user-friendly nature. Packaged in a convenient READY TO USE spray bottle, it eliminates the need for complex mixing procedures. The application process is simplified to just a two-step action: SHAKE and SPRAY. This not only ensures ease of use but also facilitates quick and efficient protection for your roses. In conclusion, ROSE PROTECTOR stands as a reliable, all-in-one solution for rose enthusiasts seeking a hassle-free yet powerful means to combat pests and diseases. With its dual-action formula, group code classifications, and user-friendly application, it exemplifies a comprehensive approach to rose care, ensuring the health and vitality of these beloved flowers.

Available in Ready to use: No mixing required


DIRECTIONS FOR USE: use only as indicated
Mixing and application:
– Shake the container well before use.
– Use 4ml Makhro Rose Protector for each liter of water.
– Half fill the sprayer with water, add the required volume of Makhro Rose Protector and shake well.
– Fill the sprayer with the required volume of water and shake well.
Makhro Rose Protector can be applied by means of any suitable hand held or knapsack sprayer.
– Ensure thorough wetting of all plants to the point of running off.
– Repeat application every 7-10 days as long as the insects and/or diseases are noticed.
– If insects and/or diseases are already present at time of application repeat sprays at least 3 times with 7 days intervals.

Rose Protector RTU: (ready to use)
– Just shake and spray!

– Aphids
– Red Spider Mite
– Black Spot
– Powdery Mildew
(See product leaflet for more)

Rose Protector
Bifenthrin (pyrethroid) 10 g/ℓ
Bupirimate (pyrimidine) 75 g/ℓ
Propiconazole (triazole) 25 g/ℓ

Rose Protector RTU
Bifenthrin (pyrethroid) 0,04 g/ℓ
Bupirimate (pyrimidine) 0,3 g/ℓ
Propiconazole (triazole) 0,1 g/ℓ

Rose Protector
100 mℓ
200 mℓ
500 mℓ

Rose Protector RTU
750 mℓ

Rose Protector
Registration Holder: Makhro Home and Garden (Pty) Ltd (2014/283523/07)
Reg. No. L8114 | N-AR 0969 Act No. 36 of 1947

Rose Protector RTU
Registration Holder: Makhro Home and Garden (Pty) Ltd (2014/283523/07)
Reg. No. L8631 | N-AR 1158 Act No. 36 of 1947


Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet.

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