DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as indicated
General information and Use restrictions:
– The herbicidal action is only visible from two weeks after application onwards.
– Apply GLYPHOSATE 360 SL post-emergence to vigorously growing weeds, directed to the foliage and immature bark.
– For difficult to control perennial weeds, application in autumn is recommended when weeds are actively translocating nutrients into their roots, bulbs, rhizomes and stolons. Any re-growth should be spot sprayed.
– Do not spray whilst weeds are wet, dormant or under stress nor when covered in a layer of dust or when damaged by frost.
– Rain or irrigation within six (6) hours after application can reduce the efficacy of GLYPHOSATE 360 SL.
– In mixed weed situations (annuals in amongst problem perennials), mow or spray out annuals, wait for vigorous re-growth of perennials and then spray or spot spray re-growth.
– When applied in a tank mix with other chemicals the label recommendations of all products apply.
– Pre-plant weed control on sandy soil (< 10 % clay) should take place at least 7 days before transplanting tomato- or tobacco seedlings.
Application information:
– Correctly calibrate all sprayers under field conditions and ensure that the spraying equipment is in good working order.
– GLYPHOSATE 360 SL can be applied in spray volumes ranging from 12 to 600 litres per hectare.
– Ensure that the spray equipment is clean and free of rust, dust and sediment from other chemicals.
– Always use clean water. Avoid the use of brack or muddy water, or water with a high colloid content derived from soils high in organic matter.
– In situations where drift may be hazardous, use low pressures of 100 to 200 kPa and/or low drift nozzles when spraying.
– Do not spray when wind speed exceeds 10 km per hour.
– Ensure a fine (NOT a mist spray), even droplet distribution and thorough coverage of the target weeds.
(See Application Rates & Dosages in Product pamphlet.)
Glyphosate 360 SL RTU: (ready to use)
– Just shake and spray!
– Annual Grasses
– Broad Leaf Weeds
– Perennial Weeds
– Perennial Grass
– Reeds
– Shrubs
(See product leaflet for more)
GLyphosate 360 SL
Glyphosate 360 g/ℓ
(glyphosate isopropylamine salt 480 g/ℓ)
Glyphosate 360 SL RTU (No More Weeds)
Glyphosate (glycine) 18 g/ℓ
(glyphosate isopropylamine salt 24 g/ℓ)
Glyphosate 360 SL
100 mℓ
200 mℓ
1 ℓ
5 ℓ
Glyphosate 360 SL RTU (No More Weeds)
750 mℓ
GLyphosate 360 SL
Registration Holder: Universal Crop Protection (Pty) Ltd (1983/008184/07)
Reg. No. L5716 Act No. 36 of 1947
Glyphosate 360 SL RTU (No More Weeds)
Registration Holder: Makhro Home and Garden (Pty) Ltd (2014/283523/07)
Reg. No. L8108 Act No. 36 of 1947