DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as indicated
Mixing Instructions:
– Half fill the spray tank with water.
– Add the required volume of ORIUS 250 EW while agitating.
– Fill the spray tank with water.
– It is important to note that during the filling and application process, the spray-mixture must be agitated continuously.
Ground Application:
– ORIUS 250 EW can be applied by any conventional high volume sprayer which is fitted with an efficient agitation system.
– The boom must be fitted with hollow cone nozzles which are able to deliver medium to fine droplets.
– The applicator must be calibrated correctly to deliver an even distribution of the spray-mixture over the target area.
(See application & dosages in the product pamphlet)
– Leaf Rust
– Dollar Spot
– Black Spot
– Powdery Mildew
(See product leaflet for more)
Orius 250 EW
Tebuconazole (triazole) 250 g/ℓ
Orius 200 EW RTU
Tebuconazole (triazole) 0,25 g/ℓ
Orius 250 EW
100 mℓ
Orius 200 EW RTU
750 mℓ
Orius 250 EW
Registration Holder: Adama SA (Pty) Ltd (1992/0017471/07)
Reg. No. L6832 | N-AR 0780 Act No. 36 of 1947
Orius 200 EW RTU
Registration Holder: Makhro Home and Garden (Pty) Ltd (2014/283523/07)
Reg. No. L8302 Act No. 36 of 1947
Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet.