DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as indicated
Mixing instructions:
– Half fill the spray tank with clean water.
– Add the required quantity of Plant Care to a small amount of water and mix thoroughly before it is added to the spray tank while agitating.
– If Plant Care is tank mixed with other products, first mix these products separately with water before it is added to spray tank.
– Add water to just below the required capacity and then add the premixed Plant Care to the spray tank while continuously agitating the spray mixture.
– Fill the spray tank with water to the required level while continuously agitating.
– Refer to the labels of the products which will be tank mixed with Plant Care and adhere to the label instructions.
– Only mix enough spray mixture sufficient for one day’s spraying.
– Spray mixture should not be allowed to stand overnight.
(See application & dosages in product pamphlet.)
White Flies
White Grub Larvae;
Red Spider Mite
Tuber Moth
(See product leaflet for more)
Acetamiprid (acetamidine) 16 g/ℓ
Bifenthrin (pyrethroid) 30 g/ℓ
100 mℓ
200 mℓ
500 mℓ
1 ℓ
Registration Holder: Makhro Home and Garden (Pty) Ltd (2014/283523/07)
Reg. No. L9696 | N-AR 1822 Act No. 36 of 1947
Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet.